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fluffy puppy 1

A member registered Jun 09, 2021

Recent community posts

When I go to the data folder there's nothing there 馃槓

How would I send my save file on Android, sorry if I seem a bit stupid 馃槄

Im on day 90 yet the fbi scene never seems to happen in the teachers office and I'm not able to go to the classroom to talk to mia after sunset, anyone know how I can trigger these?

When will that be ready because this game looks really good and I can't wait to play it

Why has the android version not been updated for nearly a year?

Does anyone know how I can keep my progress and download the new update I'm on android

thank for the help, I appreciate it 

You can't update it on Android unless you uninstall the game and start over which I really don't want to do, anyone know how I can solve this?

Wdym by discord save?

(1 edit)

oh ok, it's just she says I'm busy now every time I try and talk to her

Im stuck on the part where you have to try and open the portal, for Becca's storyline it says I need to progress with Bonny, yet for Bonny's storyline it says I need to progress with Littli's storyline and finally Littli's storyline says I need to progress with Becca's. What do I do

oh ok, I didn't know you post a change log, thanks for taking your time to respond and I love your game btw

What updated have you made if you don't mind me asking because I was still only able to access episode one

I've just downloaded the updated version, how do I access the updates without loosing my progress

Anyone know how to get your binoculars repaired

Do you know how I can unlock dahlia and Miya

(1 edit)

Do you know where I can repair the binoculars

it keeps telling me to give the girls their room in the new house in exile but I have no way of actually travelling to the girls, what do I do now 

oh, whenever I went to asmedia it never had the option to get the ancient book but it has now, thanks so much for ur help

I've done everything for all the girls except the blue haired one which keeps saying she's at the library but I can't interact with her anymore, no matter what time of day I go there

You can't open the file on Android, is there any other way you can put the file up for download without having to use mega 

Im stuck on a part where it says 

Advance with the girls until the day of the assault 

Does anyone know what day this is because I'm on day 23

It's says updated 16 hours ago, do you know when we will be able to access the update

I've finished all the stories and it keeps saying 

In progress: That's all for this version 

Does that mean that there is gonna be an update in the future

so I have nothing to worry about accessing episode 2 if I buy it now then, Thanks :)

If I buy it now considering episode 2 isnt out yet, will you release it to the android version as an update or will I have to buy each episode individually